Graduate programmes started in UHAS during the 2017/2018 academic year with the Fred N. Binka School of Public Health (formally School of Public Health). The School of Allied Health Sciences commenced graduate programmes in the 2018/2019 academic year with the role out of a PhD programme in Medical Imagining. Subsequently, the Schools of Basic and Biological Sciences and Nursing and Midwifery also rolled out graduate programmes onwards.
The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) became officially established during the 2023/2024 academic year, following approvals from the University Council and the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC). The SGS is responsible for coordinating graduate studies across the University of Health and Allied Sciences (UHAS).
The school is headed by a Dean and supported by a well-defined hierarchy of Administrative and Departmental Heads. All Academic Schools, Departments, and Institutes have responsibility for the day-to-day administration of their respective graduate programmes. However, the SGS plays a central coordinating role in ensuring that quality assurance standards are met at the highest level and that the student experience and satisfaction are met. The SGS is responsible for graduate admissions, university-wide orientations for graduate students (and supervisors), student registration of thesis/dissertation topics, examination of theses/dissertations, approval of results, graduation, and other functions that the academic board may confer on the school.
The Board of Graduate Studies (BGS) has oversight responsibility for admissions, and new postgraduate programmes development. The BGS also oversees dissertation and theses examinations and the declaration of results, and undertakes monitoring, and evaluation of performance in the delivery of graduate programmes.
Dean's Profile

Dr. Martin Ayanore
Dean of School of Graduate Studies
Dr. Martin Ayanore is a Senior Lecturer with the Fred N. Binka School of Public Health and the Acting Dean for the School of Graduate Studies in UHAS. As the foundational Dean for the School of Graduate Studies, he was instrumental in drafting and completing the processes for the full establishment of the School of Graduate Studies.
He holds a PhD in Health Economics from Maastricht University, The Netherlands. He also holds an MPhil and BSc degrees from the University for Development Studies, Ghana, Postgraduate Diploma in Science Education from the University of Cape Coast and an International Executive MBA in Project and Strategic Management degree from France. He also holds several certificates in programmes in health economics and public health. He is also a two-time John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Fall Fellow, with certified trainings in Problem Solving in Public Health and Implementation and Sustainability of Community Based Health Programs.
Dr Ayanore is a global scholar with active collaborations with several international groups and universities worldwide. He is a am a member of the SDGs goal 10 book series under the auspices of the The World Sustainable Development Research and Transfer Centre (WSD-RTC) He is also a member of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine, and Hygiene (RSTMH), UK, member of WHO Health Financing Technical Network (HFTN Main Community), and collaborator to the Global Burden of Disease Network, University of Washington, USA. He is also an active member of the African Health Economics and Policy Association (AfHEA).
Dr Ayanore serves on several academic committees in the university. At the national level, he serves as the Board Chairman of the Ghana Railway Development Authority (GRDA) and a University Council Member, Dr Hilla Liman Technical University, Ghana.
Dr Ayanore has more than 100 publications in high impact journals, spanning health systems and policy, health economics, inequality in health access and care among many others. Access link to his full list of publications in PubMed and Scopus:
Welcome to the School of Graduate Studies, UHAS.
As a graduate student in UHAS, your curiosity for knowledge will be expanded beyond reach. You will join an exciting community of talented and knowledge driven students who are passionate and critical about problem solving in the field of the health sciences.
Guided by a generation of early, mid-career and well accomplished academics in all spheres; public health, biological science, social and behavioral science, allied sciences, and clinical care (Medicine/Nursing, Dentistry etc), your experience in studying here for a Masters or PhD will prepare you for the next generation of roles in the health sector in Ghana and globally.
At the graduate school, you will encounter many exciting and rewarding challenges. We urge you to make the best of the opportunity and time UHAS offers to train your mind, take initiatives that broaden your horizon. Be willing to challenge and allowed to be mentored to break new intellectual grounds in your field of interest.
Although you will study many subject areas within your specialty of study, take keen interest to acquire some skills across other disciplines whiles in your progrmme, as this will give you a life-long opportunity to interact with wide variety of faculty and students from many disciplines. Take advantage of the many students’ seminars, UHAS conferences, field practice and practicum sessions offered to network and grow both academically and professionally.
The graduate school have provided useful information about your programme of student in the prescribe handbooks for students. Take advantage to familiarize yourself with your rights and responsibilities and how to enrich your student experiences while on campus. Our student support service unit provide learning support to enhance academic growth and experience of students, oversees students’ general welfare, and progression of students.
The city of Ho offers the best of cultural, recreational, and entertainment opportunities you can find in any part of the country. You are welcome toe experience UHAS warmth and the hospitality that the Volta Region of Ghana offers.
Welcome to the Graduate School, UHAS, where lifelong learning possibilities begins.
To promote the development, diversification, and effective delivery of research and practically oriented postgraduate programmes to address emerging national and global issues.
To provide quality postgraduate education and advance knowledge through scholarship and research that improves health and quality of life.
The graduate school performs the following critical roles to ensure a smooth and conducive environment for postgraduate programmes to thrive.
- i. Ensure the administration of quality postgraduate education through the operationalization of accredited postgraduate programmes and continuous monitoring to improve performance of postgraduate programme delivery in UHAS.
- ii. Admitting on behalf of Academic Board candidates for higher degrees, supervisors, course work, thesis areas and appointment of examiners on recommendations from appropriate school boards.
- iii. Monitor and evaluate the general performance of postgraduate programme delivery and undertaking functions that promote postgraduate studies in UHAS.
- iv. Promote cultural diversity, scholarly integrity, and inclusivity among postgraduate students and actively supporting postgraduate students to thrive intellectually and professionally to advance intellectual communication and scholarship across disciplines.
- v. Increase the visibility of postgraduate education nationally and internationally through advocacy that emphasizes the critical role of postgraduate education to the mission of the University.
- vi. Subject to the approval of the Academic Board, undertake any other functions as will promote postgraduate studies in the University.
UHAS provides a unique and competitive environment for postgraduate training in the following category of programmes based on market demands in Ghana and in alignment with the UHAS mission and vision.
• Postgraduate certificates
• Postgraduate diploma
• Taught-based Master's degrees with long essays or thesis options (MPH, MSc)
• Research-based Master’s degrees (MPhil, MRes)
• Doctoral degrees (Industry-based and research-based)
In line with the University’s mandate, the programmes offer opportunity for inclusive training and education by providing varied streams of entry; regular, sandwich, part-time and full-time while adopting blended learning approaches to delivery.
The underlisted programmes have duly been accredited and running in UHAS.
SAHS | Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Laboratory Sciences) MPhil. Medical Laboratory Sciences |
FNBSPH | Doctor of Philosophy (Public Health) MPhil. (Applied Epidemiology) Master of Public Health (Epidemiology & Disease Control) Master of Public Health (Family & Reproductive Health) Master pf Public Health (General) Master of Public Health (Health Promotion) Master of Public Health (Health Systems Management) Master of Public Health (Monitoring & Evaluation) Master of Public Health (Nutrition) |
SBBS | Doctor of Philosophy (Biomedical Sciences) MPhil. (Biomedical Sciences) MSc. (Biomedical Sciences) |
SONAM | MPhil. Nursing MPhil. Midwifery |
SOP | Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmacognosy) Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmacology) Doctor of Philosophy (Toxicology) Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) MPhil. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) MPhil. (Pharmacology) MPhil. (Pharmacognosy) MPhil. (Toxicology) MSc. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) |
The Board supports the graduate school to perform the following functions:
a) approve and admit on behalf of the Academic Board candidates for higher degrees, supervisors, course work, thesis areas or titles and appointment of examiners on recommendation from the appropriate School Boards.
b) determine the results of postgraduate examinations on receipt of examiners’ reports.
c) request progress reports from supervisors at the end of academic year
d) assume responsibility for the general welfare of postgraduate students
e) promote the development, diversification and effective delivery of postgraduate programmes to address emerging national and global issues.
f) accreditation of all School teaching and supervising postgraduate programmes to maintain high standards and ensure high quality postgraduate programme output.
g) monitor and evaluation of general performance on postgraduate programme delivery; and
h) Subject to the approval of the Academic Board, undertake any other functions as will promote postgraduate studies in the University.
Administrative and Academic Composition in the Graduate office
For ease of operations and to main quality standards envisaged, two main units exist within the Graduate office; Administrative and Academic Departments. The Administrative unit comprise of ICT and Library, Finance, and Student Support Units. The academic unit is also organized in three divisions: Curriculum Development and Examinations, Accreditation, and Thesis and Graduation Units.
• Spearhead Development of Comprehensive Guidelines for postgraduate Studies
In addition to the objectives of the SGS, the SGS shall provide leadership in spearheading the development of frameworks for institutionalization policies outlined in postgraduate handbooks and university statutes.
• Coordinate the Establishment of New and Re-accreditation Processes of Postgraduate Programmes
Given the increased demand for postgraduate health education in Ghana, the SGS supports UHAS to maintain a portfolio of accredited programmes of high and quality standing. The school also ensure rapid re-evaluation processes with relevant regulatory bodies and strengthen the university’s compliance and reputation with local and international institutions.
• Maintain an up-to-date postgraduate students’ handbook that address student needs
The schoolwork with other relevant units in the university to prescribe clear guidelines for postgraduate students through appropriate postgraduate handbooks (e.g Masters, PhD) for use. The school assist to maintain an up to date handbooks, set standards and prescribe rules and guidelines for students, staff/faculty, and external stakeholders (supervisor, examiners, etc).
• Enforcing Code of Practice and Frameworks for Postgraduate Studies in UHAS
The SGS monitors and enforce a strict code of practice on the selection and admission of students to UHAS postgraduate programmes. In addition, the school prescribes and enforces clear guidelines outlined in the student handbooks on thesis supervisions, supervisory committees’ assessors, examinations and external examiners roles and responsibilities among other. In addition, clear guidelines on the departmental research degrees coordinators roles regarding PhD candidates are prescribed from the school to ensure standards and quality of UHAS PhD programmes, and in line with approved procedures set out in the PhD handbook.
• Undertake Progress Monitoring of the Quality of Postgraduate Studies
In partnership with the Directorate of Quality Assurance (DQA), the SGS constantly monitors the type, level and quality of postgraduate trainings offered in the university. The SGS will develop standard monitoring tools that provides for periodic assessment and peer reviews of programmes to offer schools feedback for improvement. The SGS will also track and enforce actively compliance with personal development plans (PDPs) and evidence of transferable skills our postgraduate programme delivers.
• Prescribing Guidelines for Publication of Postgraduate Research
The student affairs, learning support & publication unit of the SGS provides coordination roles in ensuring final approved thesis and works from postgraduate students and their supervisors are published in a manner that comply with university rules and regulations.
• Tracking and Linking Postgraduate Destinations to Classroom
To build a strong postgraduate alumni network in the university, the SGS tracks postgraduate destinations after completion in partnership with the Alumni office. Since UHAS-SGS postgraduates are practically oriented with diverse experiences in clinical and non-clinical settings, linking these postgraduates with current trainees on postgraduate programmes will offer opportunity for our past students to support in our postgraduate trainings.

Mr. Felix Worlanyo Mensah Torku
Junior Assistant Registrar