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Request for Proposals (RFP) Sub-Grant Research Teams

Embedding implementation research in immunization programmes in Ghana through mainstream institutionalized learning and mentorship (MAINSTREAM Ghana)

We are pleased to announce a for applications for the MAINSTREAM Ghana project with the following specifications:

  • Award funding amount: maximum of $25,500 per sub-grant research team (SRT) for a maximum period of six (6) months only.
  • Sub-grant model: at least two (2) joint leads from in-country governmental or non-governmental institution. For the avoidance of doubt, in-country means Ghana.
  • In-country contractor: local sub-grantee individuals and their respective institutions/organizations
  • Download the application form here, complete it and send to this email: [email protected] 
  • Submission deadline: 23:59 hours GMT on 30 September 2024.
  • Review process: All proposals will be selected based on merit. Proposals will be reviewed by an Independent Proposal Review and Award Committee (IPRAC) with technical assistance from UHAS (Mentor Institution) and Alliance (oversight role). Final awards will be given and monitored by UHAS. IPRAC decision on awards shall be final.
MAINSTREAM Ghana Programme objectives

A consortium consisting of the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (the Alliance) / WHO Science Division in a coordinating role, together with the WHO Immunization, Vaccines, and Biologicals (IVB) Department, WHO regional and country offices, and Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance launched the MAINSTREAM initiative with the following objectives:

  • Assess knowledge gaps and priorities regarding immunization coverage and equity based on policymaker/implementer priorities, aligned with country research agenda development and implementation (needs assessment objective);
  • Enable the integration of learning through embedded implementation research into national immunization programmes (Implementation research integration objective);
  • Scale up learning through embedded implementation research on implementers’ priorities as part of regular country support (scale objective); and
  • Improve the use of evidence to guide policy development and implementation of programmes toward improving immunization coverage and equity (policy and practice objective).

To help execute these objectives within the Ghanaian context, the Institute of Health Research (IHR), University of Health and Allied Sciences (UHAS) (hereinafter Mentor Institution) was selected by Alliance as an in-country academic/research institution to lead and mentor in the in-country implementation of the MAINSTREAM Ghana programme in collaboration with local stakeholders.

Who can apply
  1. At least two Principal Investigators (PIs), one as the lead researcher (PI) and one as a programme implementer co-PI for each proposal. Only one research proposal is allowed per a research team
  2. Academic and research institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and government institutions involved in health policy and health systems research.
  3. Applicant institution must have a proven track record in conducting research and managing health-related projects.
  4. The project team must include an expanded program on immunization (EPI) co-principal investigator (Co-PI) who is a policy implementer in the health system.
  5. Other team members may include experts in immunization, health policy, implementation research, and health systems research
  6. Multi-disciplinary research teams with gender composition of at least 30% females is encouraged
  7. Female lead applicants are encouraged to apply
Expectations from sub-grant research teams (SRTs)
  1. Selected sub-grant research teams (SRTs) (hereinafter Mentee Institutions) are expected to participate in a protocol development workshop to get mentorship and feedback on their research protocols.
  2. Following the protocol development workshop, Mentee Institutions must obtain all necessary ethical approvals and local permissions before commencing their research.
  3. The research must be completed within the specified period of six (6) months
  4. SRTs are responsible for writing up their findings, disseminating them to relevant stakeholders and developing an action plan for implementation.
  5. SRTs and their partners will be responsible for scheduling periodic virtual meetings with the Mentor Institution to address queries, receive guidance on methodology, and ensure alignment with project objectives.
  6. The Mentor Institution and WHO-Alliance will provide support, including technical guidance throughout the research process, and capacity-building opportunities through workshops and resources to enhance the research teams’ skills and capabilities. This support shall not be a condition for SRTs to deliver fully on their contract terms.
  7. The Mentor institution will support SRTs with embedded research scientists for routine mentorship and technical assistance on the research process. Embedded research scientists shall not be responsible for quality of SRT projects and delivery on timelines.
Priority research areas for RFP

Research proposals should be focused on the following, but not limited to, priority areas and barriers to EPI in Ghana:

  • Individual and community: awareness and inadequate knowledge of vaccines; vaccine hesitancy due to beliefs, myths, community beliefs, side effects, rumors, anti-vaccine campaigns; household and community migration; misinformation and disinformation on vaccines

Health system and service delivery: poor community engagement and entry; inadequate supportive supervision and coaching (in service delivery); in-adequate outreach points; documentation (data and best practices); inadequate health service planning; inadequate partner mapping in the immunization space; inaccessibility of immunization services in some geographic areas; Inaccurate population estimates to guide program implementation and monitoring .

  • Health sector human resources: mal distribution of staff; staff attitude (lateness, customer service); human Resource (Staff attrition, performance monitoring supervision, distribution)
  • Funding vaccination programmes: addressing funding gaps; Cost effectiveness of partner collaboration
  • Community participation: Low immunization coverage among urban/peri-urban areas; community volunteerism; ineffectiveness of community score card system
  • Health information management: low data quality and appreciation; sub-optimal integration between immunization services and other primary healthcare interventions; paucity of information on the introduction of new vaccines among populations above 5 years

This request for proposals (RFP) calls for Implementation Research (IR) proposals (Implementation research training materials (who.int)) from in-country teams that address priority themes identified during a collaborative research prioritization workshop conducted by UHAS and ALLIANCE with in-country health system decision-makers. Selection criteria for prospective research partners in Ghana will include proposals.

  1. aimed at assessing and addressing immunization coverage and equity issues.
  2. demonstrating a capacity for a quality of research methodological rigor
  3. demonstrating the ability to deliver on rapid feasible timelines
  4. exhibiting strong in-country network and multi-disciplinary collaboration
  5. exhibiting expertise in in-country immunization programmes
  6. demonstrating meaningful engagement and participation of at least one immunization programme (e.g. EPI implementer) in the research team.

The research proposed budget, inter alia, must ensure clarity, transparency, and alignment with the RFP requirements. The budget should cover all necessary expenses to complete the project, including but not limited to personnel, travel, meetings and materials. Budget should be realistic and mirror the proposed project activities.

Refer to the budget template (separate attachment) for guidance

Timelines and indicative dates


Procurement Activity

Due Date


RFP advert

 4 September 2024


RFP submission deadline

30 September 2024


Review of SRTs proposals

14 October 2024


Announcement of successful SRTs

21 October 2024


Grants award, sub-contracts and funds disbursement

  28 October 2024


Start date for sub-grant projects

31 October 2024


End date for sub-grant projects

30 April 2025


Dissemination and project closure

 30 May 2025


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