A Quality Assurance Unit was established at UHAS in 2016; however, in conformity with current practices in other universities in Ghana, and due to the important role the Unit plays within the University, the Unit was elevated to a directorate and renamed the Directorate of Quality Assurance (DQA) in August 2020. The Directorate is under the Office of the Vice-Chancellor and headed by a Senior Member appointed by the Vice-Chancellor. DQA is responsible for the overall management of quality assurance activities at UHAS and functions as the Vice-Chancellor’s secretariat on Quality Assurance issues across the University.
Our vision is to provide a world-class quality assurance function to support the University of Health and Allied Sciences’ vision:
"UHAS seeks to be a pre-eminent health research educational institution dedicated to community service. We shall realise this vision by taking innovative approaches to research, teaching and engagement with society, informed by a culture of scholarship, academic and service excellence."
Promote confidence in the academic provision (teaching, learning, research and community services), that the quality and the standards of awards of University of Health and Allied Sciences are safeguarded, enhanced and effectively managed.
The mandate of the Directorate of Quality Assurance includes the following:
a. Assist in setting performance standards of the university.
b. Monitor the implementation of strategic plans and policies of the University to ensure compliance.
c. Assist in the development and monitor implementation of the University’s land use plans to ensure orderly spatial development.
d. Monitor all activities of quality assurance in the University
e. Assist with both internal and external accreditation processes of the University.
f. Provide advice and policy alternatives in the implementation of Quality Assurance policies and activities.
g. Provide professional opinion to Management on current issues bordering on Quality Assurance.
h. Link the Directorate to appropriate professional bodies and at the local, regional and international levels.
i. Assist in setting performance standards of the university.
j. Assist in the development and monitor implementation of the University’s land use plans to ensure orderly spatial development.
k. Provide reports on examinations, classroom monitoring and resource utilisation reports periodically for senior management and stakeholders.
l. Assist in the evaluation of all categories of staff.
m. Assist in developing appropriate performance appraisal mechanisms for all categories of staff.
n. Carry out needs assessments and tracer studies (students’ destination information) for curriculum development.
o. Gather appropriate data through research, sampling of opinions by way of satisfaction surveys for alumni, and other stakeholders.
p. Co-ordinate publications on University statistics and Quality Assurance issues.
q. Undertake periodic evaluation of University policies and strategies for institutional transformation.
r. Assist with management of all student data.
s. Assist in the development of appropriate application systems for effective management of data and other related services.
t. Co-ordinate with the Research, Evaluation and Publication Unit to publish the Basic Statistics.
u. Assist in the provision of up-to-date data to Management and other stakeholders who may require them.
v. Provide data to all major stakeholders.
Under the leadership of the Director of DQA, with assistance from the Assistant Registrar, the DQA operates four units, headed by the Assistant Registrar. The Units are:
1. Quality Assurance, Monitoring and Accreditation Unit (QAMAU),
2. Research, Evaluation and Publications Unit (REPU),
3. Management Information Systems Unit (MISU) and
4. Data Processing and Management Unit (DPMU)
This Unit is responsible for the following, among others:
a. Assist with both internal and external accreditation processes of the University.
b. Provide advice and policy alternatives in the implementation of Quality Assurance policies and activities.
c. Provide professional opinion to Management on current issues bordering on Quality Assurance.
d. Link the Directorate to appropriate professional bodies and at the local, regional and international levels.
e. Assist in setting performance standards of the university.
f. Assist in the development and monitor implementation of the University’s land use plans to ensure orderly spatial development.
g. Provide reports on examinations, classroom monitoring and resource utilisation reports periodically for senior management and stakeholders.
h. Assist in setting performance standards of the university.
i. Monitor the implementation of strategic plans and policies of the University to ensure compliance.
j. Assist in the development and monitor implementation of the University’s land use plans to ensure orderly spatial development.
k. Monitor all activities of quality assurance in the University.
This Unit is responsible for the following, among others:
a. Assist in the evaluation of all categories of staff.
b. Assist in developing appropriate performance appraisal mechanisms for all categories of staff.
c. Carry out needs assessments and tracer studies (students’ destination information) for curriculum development.
d. Gather appropriate data through research, sampling of opinions by way of satisfaction surveys for alumni, and other stakeholders.
e. Co-ordinate publications on University statistics and Quality Assurance issues.
f. Undertake periodic evaluation of University policies and strategies for institutional transformation.
This Unit is responsible for the following among others:
a. Assist with management of all student data
b. Assist in the development of appropriate application systems for effective management of data and other related services.
c. Co-ordinate with the Research, Evaluation and Publication Unit to publish the Basic Statistics.
d. Assist in the provision of up-to-date data to Management and other stakeholders who may require them.
The Data Processing and Management Unit serves as the spine that connects all segments of information lifecycle within the University. The Unit shall be responsible for the following:
a. Collecting Data: Student Evaluation of Teaching;
b. Processing data and generating reports for Management decision-making;
c. Managing database and ensuring security of data;
d. Providing data to all major stakeholders.

Dr. Mahamudu Ayamba Ali

Hubert Mawuli Yevu-Agbi
Assistant Registrar

Millicent Boadiwa-Yirenkyi
Principal Research Assistant

Judith Emefa Wotortsi Fredrick
Senior Research Assistant