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2023/2024 Admissions - MPhil/MPH/PhD Applicants

It is announced for the information of prospective applicants and the general public that applications for Graduate Studies for the 2024/2025 Academic Year of the University of Health and Allied Sciences is opened.

General Information for all applicants prior to completing the application form:
• Both Ghanaian and International applicants are eligible to apply.
• Applicants may be required to pass an entrance interview
• Applicants shall provide details of an academic referee and a professional referee.
• Some programmes may require relevant working experience of 3 years or more
• Prior to putting in an application, applicants are advised to visit the university website to identify and make preliminary contacts with prospective thesis supervisors.
• Applicant may be required to write an entrance examination.

Softcopies of the following documents would be required to complete the application:
• Curriculum Vitae (CV).
• Transcript of academic records.
• A Statement of Purpose/Concept Note of not more than 500 words
• Research proposal of not more than 700 words

i) Doctor of Philosophy (Public Health) – (3 years Full-Time)

Entry Requirements
• An M.Phil, MPH, Master’s degree in Medical/Health Sciences, or equivalent degrees in related fields. from an accredited institution.
ii. Master of Philosophy (Applied Epidemiology) (2 years Regular)
The programme consists of a combination of didactic lectures and field placement activities.
Entry Requirements
• A good first degree with a minimum FCGPA of 2.5 or equivalent in a relevant health/health-related field.

iii) Master of Public Health (1 Year)
• Regular Option (Monday – Thursday) OR
• Weekend Option (Friday – Sunday)
• General (No specialisation)
• Epidemiology and Disease Control
• Health Promotion
• Health Systems Management
• Monitoring and Evaluation
• Nutrition
• Family and Reproductive Health
Applicants are encouraged to select three options in order of preference
Entry Requirements
• A first degree with a minimum FCGPA of 2.5 or equivalent from an accredited university.

i) Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Laboratory Sciences) – (4 Years Full-Time, Regular)
Entry Requirements
• A Master’s degree (with research) in Medical Laboratory Sciences or an equivalent Postgraduate Medical Laboratory Sciences qualification.
• Applicants shall submit names of two potential supervisors.

ii) Master of Philosophy (Medical Laboratory Sciences) – Regular

Entry Requirements
• A first degree with a minimum FCGPA of 2.5 or equivalent in Medical Laboratory Science/Technology and other Biomedical Science programmes (e.g., BSc. Biochemistry, BSc. Biological Science, BSc. Animal Biology/Zoology, BSc. Human Biology, etc.) from any accredited university.


i) Doctor of Philosophy (Biomedical Science)
• 4 years full-time or
• 6 years part-time
Entry Requirements
• A Master’s degree in Biological Sciences, Microbiology, Biomedical Sciences and any other Health related degrees.
ii) Master of Philosophy (Biomedical Science) – 2 Years
Entry Requirements
• A first degree with a minimum of Second-Class Lower division or equivalent in Biomedical Sciences, Microbiology, Biological Sciences or any other Health related degrees.
iii) Master of Science (Biomedical Science)
Entry Requirement
• A first degree with a minimum Second-Class Lower division or equivalent in Biomedical Sciences, Microbiology, Biological Sciences or any other Health related degrees.


i) Master of Philosophy (Nursing Studies) – 2 Years

Entry Requirements
• A first degree in Nursing, Midwifery or Public Health Nursing with a minimum of second-class lower division or equivalent.
• Applicants should have practiced for at least two years post-qualification and must be in good standing with the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana.
ii) Master of Philosophy (Midwifery) – 2 Years
Entry Requirements
• A first degree in Midwifery with a minimum of second-class lower division or equivalent.
• Applicants should have practiced for at least two years post-qualification and must be in good standing with the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana.


i) Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmacology)
Entry Requirements
• A Master’s degree (with research) or its equivalent in Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Biomedical Sciences, Molecular and Cell Biology, Toxicology, Pharmacy, Nursing, Allied Health Sciences or any other relevant field of study.

ii) Master of Philosophy (Pharmacology)
Entry Requirements
• A first degree with a minimum of Second-Class Lower division or equivalent in Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Biomedical Sciences, Molecular and Cell Biology, Toxicology, Pharmacy (BPharm/PharmD), Nursing, Medicine, Optometry, Physician Assistantship or relevant field.

iii) Doctor of Philosophy (Toxicology)
Entry Requirements
• A Master’s degree (with research) or its equivalent in Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Molecular and Cell Biology, Toxicology, Pharmacy, Nursing, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Allied Health Sciences or relevant field of study.
iv) Master of Philosophy (Toxicology)
Entry Requirements
• A first degree with a minimum of Second-Class Lower division or equivalent in Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Environmental Science, Molecular and Cell Biology, Toxicology, Pharmacy, Medicine, Nursing, Allied Health Sciences, Chemistry or relevant field of study.

v) Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmacognosy)
Entry Requirements
• A Master’s degree (with research) or its equivalent in a relevant science programme (including, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Herbal Medicine, Pure or Applied Chemistry, Biochemistry, Life and Biomedical Sciences) or related discipline.
• Applicants with professional postgraduate certificate (membership and fellowship) in a recognized health profession may also be considered.

vi) Master of Philosophy (Pharmacognosy)
• A first degree with a minimum of Second-Class Lower division or equivalent in Pharmacy, Herbal Medicine, Biochemistry, Biomedical Sciences, Pure or Applied Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences and related fields or equivalent.
vii) Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Entry Requirements
• A Master’s degree (with research) or its equivalent in pure or applied chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, life and biomedical sciences or any other related discipline.
• Applicants with professional postgraduate certificates (membership and/or fellowship) in a recognized health profession may also be considered.

viii) Master of Philosophy (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Entry Requirements
• A first degree with a minimum of Second-Class Lower division or equivalent in pure or applied chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, life and biomedical sciences) from an accredited institution.

ix) Master of Science (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Entry Requirements
• A first degree with a minimum of Second-Class Lower division or equivalent or equivalent in pure or applied chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, life, and biomedical sciences or a related science programme.
• A candidate with a good first degree in a relevant science programme and a minimum of three years working experience in a pharmaceutical industry would be eligible.


Entry Requirements
How to Apply
Cutoff Points

Successful candidates will be admitted into Level 200 of the degree programmes (Sandwich) in the Fred N. Binka School of Public Health, University of Health and Allied Sciences, Hohoe Campus to read the following options: 

  • BPH Disease Control
  • BPH Environmental Health
  • BPH Health Information
  • BPH Health Promotion
  • BPH Nutrition
  • BPH Mental Health
Entry Requirements:

Category A:

Certificate holders such as Environmental Health Assistants/Officers, Mental Health officers, Nutrition Officers, Field Technicians, Health Records Officers, Community Health Nurses/Midwives (Health Assistants Preventive), Health Assistants Clinical.

Category B:

Public Health personnel and graduates from Colleges of Education who hold diploma with CGPA below 2.0 and holders of certificates in closely related fields such as Statistics, Sociology and Demography are also eligible to apply.

The Deadline for submission of online Applications is April 15, 2024 for Access applicants.
Admissions Hotline
+233 (0) 54 6585633
+233 (0) 50 3636926
Student Records Enquiries
+233 (0) 54 6585633
+233 (0) 50 3636926
SCHOOL OF ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES (Medical Laboratory Sciences Only)
Entry Requirements:

Prospective applicants with Certificate in Medical Laboratory Science awarded by a GTEC Accredited institutions with at least two (2) years of certified professional practice in medical laboratory science.


HND/Diploma (Medical Laboratory Science/Science Laboratory Technology) awarded by a GTEC/NABTEX/CTVET Accredited institutions with a CGPA of below 2.0 with a minimum of two (2) years working experience in the laboratory setting.


The Deadline for submission of online Applications is April 15, 2024 for Access applicants.

For further inquiries, please contact:


Directorate of Academic Affairs (UHAS) – 0546585633

Mr. Seth Ahiabor (Coordinator, FNBSPH) – 0244154406

Dr. Daniel Squire (Coordinator, SAHS) – 0542401448


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