Core Values and Philosophy
Work with integrity and maintain an empowering environment based on mutual trust, respect and partnership among academic and non-academic staff, students and external units.
Apply innovative educational approaches and technologies (including distance learning) to enhance access to programmes with a focus to train high calibre health professionals at all levels of education.
Use modern information and communications technology and other educational tools to drive its programmes wherever possible.
Seek, through research and clinical service, to be relevant to the health needs of Ghana and beyond, with future programmes relating to emerging challenges and trends in both the health and educational sectors.
Be practically oriented by emphasising community work as a compulsory component of all programmes offered in the University
Adopt a semester system with part of the long vacation devoted to field work and practical attachments in various district hospitals.
Develop curricula that entail an effective balance between academic knowledge and competencies required in the world of work.
Collaborate with the Ministries of Health and Education, other Ministries, Departments and Agencies, professional bodies, the private sector and international institutions, in the attainment of the mission of the University.