The Fred N. Binka School of Public Health, one of the eight schools of the University of Health and Allied Sciences (UHAS), was established in September 2013 to offer courses leading to the award of degrees in public health. The school therefore gives substance and material definition to the public health focus of the University of Health and Allied Sciences.
The school was initially housed on the Southern (Dave) Campus of the University, Ho and later moved to the Hohoe Campus, The Hohoe campus is temporarily located at the Onchocerciasis Research Centre (OCRC) within the Volta Regional Hospital. The close proximity to the hospital is in fulfilling the practical nature of the programmes.
The Fred N. Binka School of Public Health offers a diverse range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes tailored to address the complex public health challenges facing our world today. Currently on offer are six undergraduate programmes on both regular and sandwich bases: Bachelor of Public Health (Nutrition), Bachelor of Public Health (Disease Control), Bachelor of Public Health (Health Information), Bachelor of Public Health (Mental Health), Bachelor of Public Health (Health Promotion), Bachelor of Public Health (Environmental Health).
Since the 2017/2018 academic year, the School has introduced the following postgraduate programmes: Master of Philosophy in Applied Epidemiology, Master of Public Health with options in: General, Epidemiology and Disease Control, Nutrition, Monitoring and Evaluation, Family and Reproductive Health, Health Systems Management and Health Promotion.
In addition to our undergraduate and postgraduate offerings, the School also offers a PhD programme in Public Health. Notably, our first PhD student graduated in November 2024.
Since its inception, the Fred N. Binka School of Public Health has achieved significant milestones, including: Over 1,800 undergraduate graduates and Over 150 master's degree graduates
Dean's Profile

Prof. Frank Baiden
Dean, School Of Public Health
I am pleased to welcome you to the Fred N Binka School of Public Health (FNBSPH). We were established at the inception of the University, and we are named after the illustrious Ghanaian public health scholar Fred Newton Binka. We are currently the only off-campus School of the University. We are located in Hohoe and we are right within the compound of the Volta Regional Hospital.
We run undergraduate and postgraduate programs in public health. There are six programs in the Bachelor of Public Health (BPH) portfolio. These are disease control, health information, health promotion, nutrition, mental and environmental health. We run two streams of intakes into the BPH programs. These are the regular (for students coming directly from high school) and sandwich (for certificate and diploma-holders with health systems experience) streams of students. We run the Master of Public Health (MPH), Master of Philosophy (MPHIL) in Applied Epidemiology and the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program in Public Health.
We pride ourselves in having a School that is committed to the highest standards of teaching, learning and research. This is exemplified in the quality of our faculty and the quality of our graduates. Health professionals within and beyond the Ghana Health Service attest to the quality of graduates of our School. A key comment of teaching, learning and research at FNBSPH is community-based practice.
We collaborate with many national and international organizations. Of course, our biggest national collaborator is the Ghana Health Service and the Ministry of Health. We have very close working relationships with the two institutions. Our students gain extensive exposure to the workings of the health system as part of their training. We have collaborations with most of the major public health institutions in the world, most notably the World Health Organization and other health agencies of the United Nations.
Our location in Hohoe gives us access to communities in the northern Volta and Oti Regions of Ghana that are most deprived and hard-to-reach. In these communities our students and faculty have the best possible opportunity to learn and practice public health in its most authentic form. We leverage this extensively in our teaching and learning activities, as well as in our research and study abroad programs.
The journey through FNBSPH is one of commitment to excellence in public health practice. I am pleased to be leading FNBSPH through these exciting times in global public health and it is my greatest pleasure to invite you to join us.
The school aims to provide education and training to produce learners who are health systems-ready professionals, dedicated to attaining universal health coverage for Ghanaians.
Core Values and Philosophy of the School
The core values and philosophy of the Fred N. Binka School of Public Health comprise the following:
1. Work with integrity and maintain an empowering environment based on mutual trust, respect and partnership among academic and non-academic staff, students and external units.
2. Apply innovative educational approaches and technologies (including distance learning) to enhance access to programmes with a focus to train high caliber health professionals at all levels of education.
3. Use modern information and communications technology and other educational tools to drive its programmes wherever possible.
4. Seek through research and service to be relevant to the health needs of Ghana and beyond; with future programmes relating to emerging challenges and trends in both the health and education sectors.
5. Be practically oriented by emphasizing community work as a compulsory component of all programmes offered in the School.
6. Develop curriculum that entails effective balance between academic knowledge and competencies required in the world of work.
7. Collaborate with the Ministries of Health and Education, Ministries, Departments and Agencies, professional bodies, the private sector and international institutions in the attainment of the mission of the University.
There are four (4) academic departments running undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the school namely: Epidemiology and Biostatistics; Family and Community Health; Health Policy, Planning and Management and Population and Behavioural Sciences.
1. Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
The Epidemiology and Biostatistics Department is one of four key departments of the Fred N. Binka School of Public Health (SPH) located on the Hohoe campus of the University of Health and Allied Sciences (UHAS) in the Volta Region of Ghana. The department is committed to advancing knowledge and improving health outcomes through innovative research, rigorous training, and impactful community engagement. In this regard, the department seeks to educate and empower the next generation of public health professionals, conduct cutting-edge research, and provide evidence-based solutions to pressing public health challenges both locally and globally. Our faculty and students conduct transformative research that’s cuts across infectious and tropical diseases; non-communicable diseases; climate change and other environmental challenges; disease surveillance and outbreak investigation; statistical modelling for public health decision-making and evaluation of public health interventions and policies. The department also collaborates with health authorities at both the municipal, regional and national levels including international organizations to conduct research and translate research findings into actionable public health programs. We have a team of highly experienced faculty with diverse expertise in epidemiology, biostatistics and environmental health who work to ensure we deliver on our goals.
The department has the following units:
1. Disease Control Unit
2. Health Information Unit
3. Environmental Health Unit
Our undergraduate programmes are:
• Bachelor of Public Health (Disease Control)
• Bachelor of Public Health (Health Information)
• Bachelor of Public Health (Environmental Health)
Our graduate programmes are:
• Master of Public Health (Epidemiology and Disease Control)
• Master of Philosophy in Applied Epidemiology
• Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health
2. Department of Family and Community Health
The Department of Family and Community Health is one of the four academic departments within the Fred N. Binka School of Public Health presently headed by Dr. Faith Agbozo, and supported by ten full-time faculty from Lecturer to Full Professorial ranks. The department has a strong research culture that applies fundamental scientific principles to promote individual, family and community health, focusing on nutrition, diet and diseases, mental health; maternal reproductive and child health, and population health in general. This dynamic, diverse, and broad-based department strives for excellence through leadership to achieve the highest standards of education and research for our range of students.
Currently, the department offers two undergraduate programmes and two postgraduate programmes as listed below.
1. Bachelor of Public Health (Nutrition)
2. Bachelor of Public Health (Mental Health)
3. Master of Public Health (Nutrition)
4. Master of Public Health (Family and Reproductive Health)
We also contribute towards the Masters in Public Health programme. In the short to medium term, we envisage developing three postgraduate programmes to complement the existing academic programmes as follows: DrPH in Public Health Nutrition; MPH in Nutrition and Maternal and Child Health and; MSc in Clinical Research (Nutrition Science Option).
The department is committed to positively impacting the health of populations within the communities in the Hohoe Municipality and beyond with special emphasis on vulnerable populations, particularly pregnant women, children under five years, adolescents and the elderly. This we achieve by operationalizing through three units:
• Family, Reproductive and Child Health Unit
• Mental Health Unit
• Public Health Nutrition Unit
3. Department of Health Policy, Planning and Management
The department of Health Policy Planning and Management (HPPM) is one of the four (4) departments of the Fred N. Binka School of Public (FNB-SPH). The FNB-SPH is one of the schools of the University of Health and Allied Sciences (UHAS). The main objective of the Department is to build and strengthen capacities in the management and leadership of health systems and the healthcare ecosystem in Ghana and beyond. The Department core mandate is to contribute to the training of students in broad domains of public and health policy design, implementation and evaluation, health sector planning, management and administration for health sector-wide objectives and health system improvements through quality measures. Critically important is students’ exposure to how to effectively design monitoring and evaluation systems within the health sector to improve programme outcomes, both at the micro and macro levels. Students who undertake programmes in the Department also benefit from broad public health competencies in Epidemiology, biostatistics, health promotion among many others.
At the undergraduate level, the Department support other Departments in the School to teach, mentor and train students in the core disciplines in the Department, Health Policy and Systems, Health Economics and Monitoring and Evaluation of Health Programmes. At the postgraduate level, the Department runs programmes in MPH in Monitoring and Evaluation as well as MPH in Health Systems. The Department, at the postgraduate level, aims to equip students with the unique skills and competencies to conduct evidence-based high-quality scholarly research. Areas of major research include health system research, monitoring and evaluation, leadership, and management.
Additionally, the Department runs a short course on Health Administration and Management (HAM), targeting health professionals in health administration and management as well as those who are planning to enter into leadership positions (administrators and managers) within the health sector.
The Department has the following units:
• Health Policy and Planning
• Health Systems Management and Administration
• Health Economics
• Monitoring and Evaluation
The following masters’ programmes are situated in the department:
• Master of Public Health (General)
• Master of Public Health (Health Systems Management)
• Masters of Public Health (Monitoring and Evaluation)
4. Department of Population and Behavioural Sciences
The Department of Population and Behavioural Sciences (PBS) is one of the four departments in the Fred N. Binka School of Public Health. It was established to run three programmes:
• Health Promotion
• Population Health
• Social determinants of health
The department is currently considering running a master’s programme in Health Education
However, we are currently running only the Health Promotion programme, leading to a Bachelor of Public Health (Health Promotion) or a Master of Public Health (Health Promotion).
The department has a staff strength of eight faculty. Regarding teaching, our faculty teach both core and elective courses. The departmental elective courses start from level 300, while the core courses cut across all four levels: thus levels 100 to 4000. So, our faculty teach courses that fall within their competencies, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Besides teaching, our faculty also take part in research (school, department, and individual level) and community services. At the school level, the department contributed immensely and led the CHPS+ and the Yonsei-UHAS projects amongst others. At the departmental level, we are leading a team of researchers at the school to conduct community health needs assessment, specifically within the Afadjato South District of the Volta region, amongst others, while at the individual level, we also conduct research in collaboration or isolation. Two faculty members at the department have currently won research and fellowship grants on COVID-19 vaccine uptake and menstrual hygiene, making the department vibrant on the research front. We are also involved in supervising students in the field when they are doing their vocational training and for their project work.
Students from the department also engage in school and community-based community health promotion and education campaigns. They do these by visiting schools and communities to deliver health talks and teach key health promotion skills.
Primarily, we train students for the Ghana Health Service. However, there are vast opportunities available to Health Promotion Graduates. They can be employed in various non-governmental organisations (NGOs) such as the Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG) and other health-related NGOs, both locally and internationally. Other employment avenues include research and health consultancy, as well as in academia through further studies.